American Hustle is a 2013 production directed by David Russel featuring a star-filled cast, with the likes of Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence and Jeremy Renner. The movie has been critically acclaimed, receiving a 90 Metascore. However, the public seems to think that the movie is overrated, receiving only a 7,2 on IMDb. The movie received 10 Oscars nominations, including all categories for best performances by an actor or actress. None of these nominations got converted into a win after losing to movies, and their actors, like 12 Years a Slave and Dallas Buyers Club.
A Summary
American Hustle tells the story of con man Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) and his partner in crime Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams), known to the conned as Lady Edith Greensley, who are being forced into conning the mayor of Camden, New Jersey, Carmine Polito (Jeremy Renner). Up to this point, their business depended on promising people investments after a $5000 deposit, with the promised money never arriving.
Everything went well until low level, FBI agent Richie DiMaso (Bradley Cooper) arrived at their firm. He knew that Edith’s banking connections in England were fake and tricked them into accepting his down payment, after which the FBI could arrest Sydney because she took the cheque. The only way Irving and Sydney can escape years in prison is by helping the FBI catch corrupt government officials. In cooperation with the FBI they setup their biggest con to date, they will promise the mayor millions of dollars from an Arabic investor that could help build his dream revitalization of Atlantic City as the hottest gambling area in the country.
Irving is married to Rosalyn Rosenfeld (Jennifer Lawrence) and he adopted her son, Danny. However, he has been in love with Sydney since they first locked eyes on each other. The problem here is that Rosalyn doesn’t want a divorce and Irving doesn’t want to lose his son. So, he just stopped loving Rosalyn and started loving Sydney. During the con, Sydney ends this relationship and starts flirting with Richie to get leverage over him, if that would be needed later on in this operation.
The whole operation moves further and further, with multiple roadblocks, but succeeds quite well, until the big mafia boss comes into play, Victor Tellegio (Robert De Niro). At this point, Irving is having big regrets about ever agreeing to this and even needs to take heart medication to prevent heart attacks. Despite not being voiced, it seems like this is the moment where Irving and Sydney decide it time to end the con early and prevent going to jail.
They start an overarching con that will trick the FBI into thinking they got Tellegio’s lawyer confessing multiple crimes, however, this lawyer is just a random friend of Irving. This way, they protected the mafia from any allegations and got two million dollars wired to an account in their hands.
The FBI does get multiple congressmen and a senator for corruption, but Irving and Sydney walk free after they gave the two million back to the FBI. Because the power-hungry Richie was conned, during the con, he couldn’t take the fame for the operation and will not get his much-wanted promotion. Rosalyn changes her mind the divorce after meeting a new lover, which leads to Irving being free to live with Sydney and still be able to see his child. And they lived happily and lawfully ever after.
The Story
I’m a big fan of Christopher Nolan and his movies, like Inception. I always love it when a movie amazes me with a significant plot twist, right when you think you understand the plot. For me, David Russel has achieved the same with American Hustle.
The moment that you find out that there has been a con inside the con completely shocked me. A pay off to the hint in this direction earlier in the movie, when Sydney tells Irving that she is only dating Richie to be able to get back at him later on. She convinces Irving, and the viewer, that she is in love with Richie and makes a complete 180 degrees turn, the moment that Irving needs her to.
My biggest complaint on the story is the fact that Rosalyn plays a part in it. Irving being married and having a kid is critical to this story, but my problem is mostly with her character. She changes from dumb housewife to manipulative partner every moment and her intelligence and social capabilities seem to change every other scene. Rosalyn got a role besides just being the housewife, but she is really of no importance in that role.
The Characters
Irving Rosenfeld
I feel like Irving character can be a bit too blunt from time to time as the main character of the movie. He is one of the best conmen and shows that time and again throughout the story, but he is too afraid to take on bigger jobs, like the FBI operation. He is confident and doesn’t care what others think about him. There isn’t anything more to his character in my opinion. Bale’s portrayal of this character is however excellent.
Sydney Prosser
Sydney is complicated and very hard to read woman. She grew up in a harsh environment just like Irving and had to find her way in the world on her own. Amy Adams’ acting lifted the character to a whole new level, showing affection for Irving and later for Richie and confusing the viewer on her true intentions all along. Her life, both personally and professionally, makes more sense to me and are better executed than Irving’s. The way she falls for Richie after being let down by Irving time and time again really shows a realistic and believable character.
Richie DiMaso
Richie feels to me like the basic low-level government official trying to work his way up through one big case. A basic movie scenario. His character was on the right path for a large portion of the movie until he assaulted his superior for, to me, no apparent reason. He didn’t even get suspended or anything for it, he just got what he wanted.
Mayor Carmine Polito
Now, this is the most interesting character in this movie in my opinion. A great guy who just wants the best for his citizens. He becomes friends with Irving during the con and even buys him a microwave, interesting tech during the time in which the movie takes place. He has no clue that he is being conned by his friend and the FBI. He is just trying to secure funding for Atlantic City because it would create thousands of jobs for his city, no personal motive or anything.
Carmine has a big family, which he takes great care of, just like his city and the people in it. But when everything turns out to be a con and he is now on tape bribing government officials, he turns out to be the main character with the biggest problems even though he wanted to do the littlest harm. Jeremy Renner, even though he was the only one of the main cast not nominated for an Oscar, performed the best in this movie if you ask me. His portrayal of the good guy who is being screwed over at every point is the best.
Rosalyn Rosenfeld
I’ve already talked about this character and will, therefore, keep it short. The character didn’t make much sense to me during most of the movie, but it was always a delight to see scenes with Jennifer Lawrence’s acting. Especially the cleaning scene where she is dancing to music while cleaning the house (even though that was one of the scenes that made no sense to me).
The movie takes place in 1978 and I love the effort that has been made to complement that time. The hairstyles of Rosalyn, Carmine and Sydney are just so cool see implemented alongside the clothing with the furry coats and extensive jewellery. The sets used are also excellently crafted into time, for example, the restaurant where Irving, Rosalyn, Carmine and his wife are eating and drinking. The tables with a half-round couch on one side and no place to sit on the other side are great, sutle, symbols of the time the movie is set in.