Maze Runner: The Death Cure is the final movie of the Maze Runner trilogy, following up on the events of Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials and The Maze Runner. Wes Ball returns as director for this final movie alongside T.S. Nowlin for the script. The 2018 production from the Gotham Group, Temple Hill Entertainment and TSG Entertainment sees the main cast from the previous two movies return with likes of Dylan O’Brien, Ki Hong Lee, Kaya Scodelario, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Will Poulter, Rosa Salazar, Aidan Gillen, Giancarlo Esposito with a notable addition in Walton Goggins. The movie scores a 6.3/10 on IMDb and received a 50 Metascore.
The Story
We finally got the story in this trilogy that we deserved. After the first two instalments failed to interest me in the story at all, The Death Cure managed to grab my attention. The previous movies had unclear stakes and people were always trying things without clear motives. This movie sets the stakes at the start of the film as we’re shown that the fugitives are close to being found and our protagonists need to be hasty if they want to save their friend. This creates a sense of urgency and provides motivation for the actions taken.
Although it does highly unreasonable to go into the most heavily guarded place on Earth just to save a friend, Thomas has shown to be invested in his friends in previous films so I feel like it isn’t out of place. The idea that they need to break in instead of out also gave a fun paradox. And the entrance into the building was interesting enough to keep me entertained and wanting to know what’s going to happen.
I am also satisfied with the fact we got the see the maze again in a Maze Runner movie, although it was a bit short-lived. I was even more satisfied with the upstanding from the general public. It was an amazing sight to see all those people fight for their freedom, especially powerful to see Lawrence start it all of with his symbolic sacrifice. And in another plot twist, we see Janson killing Paige. That moment startled me, to say the least. But plot twists are also the thing where this movie goes wrong. The constant side-switching from Teresa just becomes kind of annoying instead of a plot twist after the 10th time she switched sides.
Furthermore, I felt like the protagonists of the movie started out with a bit too much plot armour. There are lots of scenes where there a bunch of guards just a few meters away from them and they are unable to hit them even once, although the guards themselves are being shot down one by one. The fact that Gally survived a spear through his body is also a bit too unrealistic, although he is one of my favourite characters so I didn’t mind that much. Also, the fact that Frypan turned the crane within a split into the right position the lift up the bus is crazy. He didn’t know where she would end up, as she needed to shoot the flare, but he did turn that crane at the speed of light because otherwise Brenda and the kids would’ve been caught.
For me, the movie also failed to answer some vital question I’ve been having since the first movie. Like Teresa and Thomas’ role before they went into the maze, why they went into the maze in the first place and how that was even allowed by their supervisors. It also seems impossible for a whole population the survive within a city that has walls. I didn’t see any place they could be producing vital supplies like food and water but it seems to not be a problem?
The Characters
The Death Cure was finally able to form some proper characters arc, something which the first two movies failed to deliver on. We got Newt’s death which finally proves that the main characters weren’t unkillable. He got a nice arc within this movie, starting to turn crazy throughout the movie with a fitting ending after he attacked Thomas. That also got rid of the painful foreshadowing in these movies as it seemed that they would get the serum to Thomas before he dies.
Even a small character like Lawrence proved to be a good addition. Walton Goggins performance was really powerful, especially as this is a role he is well-fitted for. Also props the special effects for his face because it was absolutely terrifying. On the other hand, I do feel like Paige and Janson are horrible characters. They lack depth and are just the standard antagonist.
Then to the most important characters, Thomas and Teresa. The two T’s are being set up as a couple since the first movie and this movie expands on that storyline, with it almost being said out loud at some point. Like I said earlier, I think that Theresa loyalty is all over the place which makes it hard to feel for her as she is on the enemy team for half of this movie. But in the end, after they went through hell with Janson you are rooting for the two of them to live happily ever after. That makes Theresa’s dead a very powerful moment. Although the execution ruined it for me as it is shown that she has plenty of time to jump.
It could’ve been a writing decision, as she may have felt like she destroyed too many lives to keep on living, perhaps fearing retaliation. I don’t think she was at that point though. I do like the fact they ended the movie with the hint that Thomas is going to try to save all the other people with his blood.
The Production
Just like the other two movies, the production level is one of the better parts of this movie. The city is an amazing setpiece that gets completely destroyed during the final scenes. Also, the opening scene, right into the action, was a well-executed, greatly engaging setpiece. Already providing us with one of the best parts of the whole trilogy. Dialogue is still not great but it did get better at being less annoying at least.